Bolay sara jahan hussain ya hussaina NohayAlbum10 Tracks01:16:412021-2022 394 Yeh mera mola reza hai Farhan Ali Waris Imam e zamana Farhan Ali Waris Barchi akbar kay kalejay say Farhan Ali Waris Abbas ko bulao Farhan Ali Waris Abbas ka percham Farhan Ali Waris Yehi charagh jalenge to roshini hogi Farhan Ali Waris Tadfeen e imam hussain Farhan Ali Waris Sakina jan Farhan Ali Waris Mehandi lavan aiyya Farhan Ali Waris Bolay sara jahan hussain ya hussaina Farhan Ali Waris Farhan Ali Waris Followers: 7 Follow Following February 14, 2022 #688 All time Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.Comment Follow Speakers Stay connected with your favorite speaker, intimate sets streamed directly from their homes to yours. Explore Speaker