Jab lashkar sara NohayAlbum8 Tracks11:532018-2019 Subhe ashur Razi Jafri Salam e akhir Razi Jafri Mayat pe yehi noha tha Razi Jafri Jab lashkar sara Razi Jafri Bhul paya nahi sajjad a.s Razi Jafri Araha hy sham ka Razi Jafri Aja asghar a Razi Jafri Title Razi Jafri Razi Jafri Followers: 0 Follow Following Jab Lashkar Sara February 14, 2022 Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.Comment Follow Speakers Stay connected with your favorite speaker, intimate sets streamed directly from their homes to yours. Explore Speaker