Maa roti hey qasim(a.s) NohayAlbum8 Tracks10:382001 3 Pani peyo tu yaad Nasir Zaidi Mey aagae nana Nasir Zaidi May johla johlaey Nasir Zaidi Maidan e karbala mey Nasir Zaidi Maa roti hey qasim as Nasir Zaidi Lab e faraat Nasir Zaidi Aun as o muhammad as Nasir Zaidi Kuch dair tehar ja Nasir Zaidi Nasir Zaidi Followers: 0 Follow Following Maa Roti Hey Qasim(a.s) February 14, 2022 #260 All time Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.Comment Follow Speakers Stay connected with your favorite speaker, intimate sets streamed directly from their homes to yours. Explore Speaker