Abbas(a.s) ali(a.s) ban ke NohayAlbum8 Tracks002006 Wo hussain(as)hai Dar E Batool Veran men qaidan ban Dar E Batool Tere bagher asghar(as) Dar E Batool Mur nain aae sab tur Dar E Batool Baqar nu sene lawe Dar E Batool Aeho soch ke rondi pai Dar E Batool Aaj bi qaid sakina(sa) hai Dar E Batool Abbas(as) ali(as) ban ke Dar E Batool Dar E Batool Followers: 0 Follow Following Abbas(a.s) Ali(a.s) Ban Ke February 14, 2022 Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.Comment Follow Speakers Stay connected with your favorite speaker, intimate sets streamed directly from their homes to yours. Explore Speaker