Arha hai qafla salar NohayAlbum10 Tracks002016-2017 Amma tere hussain as Anwer Ali Hay hay abid as Anwer Ali Chahiye fatima sa zehra Anwer Ali Jald ab ghaib Anwer Ali Arha hai qafla salar Anwer Ali Zainab sa ke sath Anwer Ali Lashe e qasim as Anwer Ali Asghar ki muskan Anwer Ali Karbala kar rae Anwer Ali Behan se dor Anwer Ali Anwer Ali Followers: 0 Follow Following Arha Hai Qafla Salar February 14, 2022 Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.Comment Follow Speakers Stay connected with your favorite speaker, intimate sets streamed directly from their homes to yours. Explore Speaker