Karbala bulaya he NohayAlbum12 Tracks002018-2019 jis ney sajda kia Qambar Kayani koi nhi hussainda Qambar Kayani chadar ein mere Qambar Kayani haye pyason Qambar Kayani karbala bulaya he Qambar Kayani yaad menu akbar di Qambar Kayani shabbir chal para he Qambar Kayani shabbir da lasha Qambar Kayani qasim di mehndi Qambar Kayani qafla shaam main Qambar Kayani alatash khemon se a rahi he Qambar Kayani bibi sakina Qambar Kayani Qambar Kayani Followers: 0 Follow Following karbala Bulaya he February 14, 2022 Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.Comment Follow Speakers Stay connected with your favorite speaker, intimate sets streamed directly from their homes to yours. Explore Speaker