Zinda hai ghum dilon mein mazloom-e-karbala NohayAlbum7 Tracks42:202020-2021 16 Sakina ab rahi Mussiyab Rizvi Mazloom e karbala Mussiyab Rizvi Haye asghar Mussiyab Rizvi Bhol gaye abid Mussiyab Rizvi Bekafan bhai ka lasha Mussiyab Rizvi Baba najaf se Mussiyab Rizvi Abbas e alamdar Mussiyab Rizvi Mussiyab Rizvi Followers: 0 Follow Following February 14, 2022 #668 All time Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.Comment Follow Speakers Stay connected with your favorite speaker, intimate sets streamed directly from their homes to yours. Explore Speaker